Saturday, December 29, 2007


What is in store for 2008??? I really wish sometimes I had a crystal ball to see into the future. I am very much a planner. I need to know how things will happen, what to expect, the worse or best case scenario.

In the week that it has been since I last posted I havent worked on any of my goals for 2008. Other than photos(thanks Erin!)
But I am gearing up to start Monday, a day early. My fresh slate starts Tuesday. I am excited for a new year, new goals & revisit old goals.

I am considering trying a new photo project. I need to decide soon to commit to it. There is a photo project that alot of the photographers I chat with participate in. 365 photos(this year will be 366, Yeah for leap year!). Some do a self photo for 365 days, yes ladies & gents that is a pic everyday! I dont know that I have that much time in my life or that I want to see a daily self portrait done. I cant be cute every single day for a year. I guess its more about posting the real you but I am not that brave.
I am considering participating in my own way... I am thinking about 52 weeks... Instead of a daily a weekly. Tuesday... every tuesday after Weight Watchers I want to take a picture & include if there was a loss or gain.... (notice I elected not to post the actual number!!) I had someone suggest that in my photo business I offer before & after photo sessions for people who on this weight loss journey. What a better way than to start with myself?

I havent fully commited to it but I am considering it.
So with that said I am outta here, I have a few cards I need/want to make.

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