Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Week 10 ish

Hey blog friends... its week 10 of this journey called 2008!

Lots going on at the Puhak house! Lots of fun, lots of hardwork, but still lots of fun!
We are getting ready to start some big "projects" for lack of a better word.

First is John is going to join me on my weightloss journey, seriously this time! We are going to start our own little version of The Biggest Looser-Puhak edition! Awesome right! How will we do it? What will we play for? I know your all dying with excitment to find out but first I have to tell you about our 2nd project...

Dave Ramsey ever heard of him? He has a program called Financial Peace Univeristy. Well John & I are going to get schooled on how to get out of debt! We are both so excited about going on a budget we cant stand it! We have been reading & doing little things to help us get ready since we went to the meeting sunday. So much that we have already both paid off a credit card each! Ok so it was only $20 for mine & $700 for his but its a start.
Both of them were our highest rate cards.
We have an adoption to save up for if we want to do that we need some structure in our life! We have to stop being so frivilous with our cash.

Now back to our biggest looser game... on the show biggest looser the losing team has to eliminate a team member. Well I love my husband too much to kick him out (plus I'd be lonely & its no fun sleeping single in a king size bed.) so instead we decided that the person who looses the highest percent of weight for the week is the winner. The looser has to put $5 in to the pot. At the end of 3 months the person with the highest percent lost wins the pot! This is especially fun since we will be on this budget thing & wont have much fun money this will be an bonus for June extra fun money to reward us for loosing weight! I am super excited about this also! Look for updates how much cash John has lost cuz I am gonna beat him. :)

Last weekend I had a day of fun with Molly. After our fund raising meeting for March of dimes Angela had things to do & wasnt sure if she could get them done with Molly tagging along. I had nothing to other than a few quick errunds so I offered to take Molly with me. We had so much fun! We went to Legends (a shopping center in KC) She was the best behaved 2 1/2 yr old ever(her parents dont believe me) She named off ever color of the rainbow as we went from store to store. She showed me all the things that she liked & a few that she said "these not pretty" (she is 2 1/2 how does she have a sense of style?) Each store she asked if we were going to buy something for Mr John or Joshua. After we made our way through many stores she made out with the cutest chucks(pink & silver, watch my website for photos soon) & a few clearence outfits from OshKosh! We got Joshua a Tommy tshirt & Mr John some WW friendly candy! She was happy & we could go home. Then we came home to get Mr John & he took us to Red Robin for lunch!
Since John & I had so much fun with her- wait were we suppose to be entertaining her??
We are taking Joshua this weekend & taking him to pick out his birthday present & then to dinner. Its fun having kids you can spoil & then send back home to mom & dad!

OK its late.. I have to go to bed... tomorrow is WI day but I wont be able to blog so I did it early.
I have changed wi days to thursday but will be changing again soon as soon as John joins me... hang tight we will get it worked out!

Did you get this far?? Leave me a comment let me know someone out there in the blog world is reading the non-sense I put together each week!


Saturday, February 23, 2008

What is this!??!

I just let Jasper out.... guess what its snowing AGAIN! I am so tired of winter & snow & being cold!

Week 7, 8, 9?? I'm lost...

Ok so I missed a few weeks no reason just didnt feel like bloging... there really isnt anything new to report with us. I'm good, John is good, Jasper is good. Jas had a vet visit this week just shots & an exam she is fine, over weight but fine. Vet says she needs to get out & walk more. Think they make tredmills for cocker spaniels? I am still doing great on WW(down another 3 pounds). Another head cold come & gone for me. I blame this last cold on thekid who attempted to help me at wolf camera. Once I realized he was disgustingly sick I left. I touched nothing, purchased nothing just thanked him for his time & walked out thinking I am so going to catch that.
I am going to contact an agency this week regarding a home study to get this adoption journey started! Now that we have our tax $ coming back I feel better about making this step. Its a huge step. I am terrified but lots of prayers will get us through!
Our weather stinks, but then again it is Kansas. **I do have a public service announcement for those who feel the need to drive mock 90 with their hair on fire when the roads are icy in rush hour... KNOCK IT OFF !! I also have a public service announcement to those who feel the need to scrape their windshield while they drive... KNOCK IT OFF! Turn on your defroster & sit still for 5 minutes & it will work itself out!

The photo business has been slow but I hope that changes soon I need a Nikon fix! Yes I am addicted to shooting! No I dont need an intervention. I have failed in my quest to do a personal photo every week... Maybe when it warms up & there is more to do I will take more personal shots? Not promising anything folks!

Lets take a minute to chat about something that is worth bloging about! Chat? Ok not really I guess- I am gonna type, your gonna read(I HOPE!)
March of Dimes. Heard of them? ... well they are an organization who help babies.
( Babies, Sick babies, Family of babies, Families who have lost babies. They are in the helping babies business.
We raise money for them & usually walk in the annual walk. This year the walk is changed names to March for Babies. New name, same great event, same great cause, same needs.
This is where my friends, family, strangers, lurkers, stalkers, who ever you are reading my blog chime in & say "Thats awesome I would love to donate to March of Dimes & help you reach your goal!" (Its for babies, who can say no to babies!?!? Its tax deductable!!)
So this is why John & I are doing this.
We do this for my mom who passed away June 2002. She was diagnosed with polio at 9 days old. She was in an iron lung, she had countless surgeries, she used braces to walk, crutches, of course needed medication. I remember seeing pictures of her when she was in school she had funny prizim glasses that let her stay flat in bed(after she had back surgery & was on bed rest) & still see so that she could still do school work. Sorry thats all i know of the funny glasses & school work story.
Long story short March of Dimes helped covering the cost of braces, crutches, surgery, medication for my mom all the way up to her college years. Something that in the 50's my grandparents wouldnt have been able to afford. I am thankful that they provided the help my family needed.

We are doing this for our Baby J who we lost May 7th 2006 when I was 14 weeks pregnant. March of Dimes doesnt just help babies who are born sick, but researches premature babies & infant mortality.

We are doing this for our friends the Freads & the Heards who have children who spent many weeks in the NICU. The March of Dimes helped them in their time of need. They now have healthy thriving children who will walk May 4th to give back! We will help! (You can see these kids on )

We are doing this for future babies who may need a little help from the March of Dimes.
Please help us in what ever way you would like to reach our goal.
Sponser us, walk with us, form your own team & set your own goal, forward my blog site to everyone you know so they can help, pray for us, pray for the babies & families that March of Dimes helps. Click the link that says sponsor me on this page or email me if you want to mail a check to me made out to the March of Dimes.

Thanks! See ya next week!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Week .... 6?

I cant remember what week I am on...
Of course there is no picture again this week... because I am busy as all get out. I have had something to do every night this week.
The fun doesnt stop there I am booked with things to do right through sunday. UGH! I cant wait for next weekend to have a 3 1/2 day weekend so I can chill a bit. I am going to turn off the phones & just spend time with John UN-INTERUPTED!

Ok thats totally not true either but its certainly fun to dream! I am taking some much needed time on friday to go stamping with my friend Patti! (Cant wait!)
Then Sat we will celebrate Valentines day & Jennifer's Day. YIPPEE! One of my favorite holidays is coming! Jennifer's day!

Ok enough non sense, what your all reading my blog for.... WW Did I loose or gain want to take a guess??
Well last week I gained 1.4 stink! But I was still having headaches & not motivated to walk. So what do you do. This week I watched better what I ate, drank more water & walked a few more times than I did last week. The good news is I lost 2.6!!! I Rock! thats what I gained last week & then some! So I am motivated to do good this week. Today I went to WW at lunch. I didnt get to stay for the meeting for a few reasons 1 being I ran over at lunch & only had 30 minutes. 2 I dont really care fot the leader that was there. Silly I know but that is important to me.
So I think I will continue to run over at lunch time what ever day I have time I think thursdays work well for me. Then if I need/want to go to a meeting then I will go after work. I haev to do what works.

Big plans for this weekend! After work tomorrow I have a friend coming over to hang out! Ok so she is 2 1/2 but it should be fun! We havent hung our since she was about 8 or 9 months old!
Her mom has a grown up date so E will be hanging out with us! Then tomorrow I work (YUCK) then tomorrow evening my friend & I are going to teh Casting Crowns concert! YIPPPEEE! Super excited! I love them(google them if you dont know who they are!)
Of course a big event like this calls for a new outfit right?? Ok atleast a new pair of jeans right??
We'll see what I find sat afternoon when I go shopping! Shhh dont tell John that I plan to buy a new outfit. John is on the we have to save cash kick again!

Next subject.

Barack Obama! Love 'em!
We went to Caucus Tuesday ngiht! Obama won our Caucus! Then when we got home we watched the news to find out he won the Kansas democrat delegates. Then he won Georgia, Minnisota, Missouri, Arkansas, Utah, COlorado, Idaho, Conneticut, North Dakota, Alabama, Delaware & Illinois! Man he Rocks! I cant wait to cast my vote in November!
Check out my flickr page for pictures of the Caucus & the rally I mentioned last week!

OK folks, thats it for this week... sorry its late but its been a busy week! Chat with you Tuesday!